New Mexico-Based Blogger, Marketing Professional, and Model

Hello There,

My name is Cathleen Daly. I am first and foremost a lover of stories - as a reader, as a listener, and as a writer. From my journals I wrote in as a young child to this blog I started in high school to all the incredible people God has placed in my life along with all the books and podcasts I have studied in-between and beyond, discovering and sharing stories is what I love to do. I have since turned that love into a full-time career in marketing where I professionally tell the stories of brands through words, imagery, and experiences.

The underlying theme of all my writings and creative projects is discovery - I love learning new things whether it is about myself, others, or the world around me. This is how "Discovering Daly" was born. Since its inception, it has taken me on many creative adventures from modeling to collaborating with brands to starting my own personal branding business - just to name a few.

On this site, you will discover more about my personal + career experiences and what I have learned along the way as well as the ways we can create together. My ultimate hope in you being here is that you find yourself inspired and equipped with new insights as you pursue your own journey of discovery.

Here's to all the discoveries,

My Mission Statement:

β€œDiscovering Daly exists to create content that supports individuals in discovering their unique stories while equipping them with new insights to apply in their everyday lives and career journeys.

Additionally, my brand celebrates and elevates the diverse communities and causes I am involved in.”